
Top up!

Category: Blog Hits: 4402

As we tackle the last few weeks of this year let's remember to give it our best shot. I know that this time of the year brings with it exhaustion, lethargy, lack of interest and a little less drive than usual.


Here are a few survival tips for the last few laps:

1. Take care of yourself first. If you are responsible for family, colleagues or friends in anyway remember you can only take care of them if you are happy, healthy and strong.

2. Can the clutter! Mental clutter, physical clutter (like your surroundings), emotional clutter and even social clutter. A cleared out physical, emotional and psychological space always allows us to perform better.

3. Walk, run, jump, swim, gym... Whatever tickles your fancy, you have to do some form of exercise.

4. Top up! Top up with feel good things... You know what usually puts a spring in your step. This could be a healthy, active lifestyle. It could be assisting in areas or charities where needed. It could be quality time with your family, pets, loved ones.

5. Be expectant. You will be surprised at what can present itself in the form of good news this time of the year.

6. And last but not least... work on a new project for next year. Put things in place. Plan. Write about it. Make sure you are steps ahead when 2017 arrives.


Here's to the next few weeks. May we be blessed with great surprises and let's cross the hurdles with ease!


Have an awesome week!


Tamzin Martin

"Remember your dreams are as hungry as your demons. Make sure you're feeding the right ones." Quote