
What does your business need

Category: Blog Hits: 2700

nevertheless I responded undoubtedly and sent a list of needs through. On two occassions like these I was granted my requests and could not believe it was that easy. Well in essence nothing is that easy. I do believe there were a few factors which made sponsoring companies believe in BizXnet or me as an entrepreneur.


I would like to share with you a few things that have worked for me thus far:

networking – with confidence; walking up to people and introducing myself and BizXnet. Smiling, making people believe in this service and exiting a room knowing you have left a footprint.
public talks – accepting invitations to talk to a crowd. My 1st talk quite daunting, was invited to speak at a social media conference in Johannesburg. Crossed that hurdle then the next invitation and the next and the next. I still feel the butterflies before a talk, but once I get started I project and my passion for social media soon starts oozing out.
training sessions – presenting a training environment that is fun, and conducive to quick learning
mentors – my mentors did not volunteer. I chose them! Source mentors who really want to see you succeed!
then my favourite… social media activities – these activities have open doors of opportunities for me. Collaborations have started via Linkedin, without being screened or interviewed, why? Because I believe in transparency online. My favourite 2 social media sites at the moment: Linkedin and Twitter!

I am by no means a pro and have not been in business very long, however I felt that I needed to share my learnings to date. I love SA and I know we have TALENT! I would like to see you succeed and pass the baton to the next generation. We ARE alive with possibilities!

Let’s do this!

God bless!

