
What's in a Tweet?

Category: Blog Hits: 2761


If you are an individual and do not represent a brand, you probably wondering what do I tweet about?

Here are some content ideas:


  • Tips/How to/ Did you know - remember the Chappies bubblegum wrapper?
  • Your interests like politics, baking, sport, hobbies, etc
  • Causes like fighting against cancer, HIV, etc


Recently a friend of mine had the same dilemma. She is on Twitter for a year and had no interest in tweeting. I realised that she has such a passion for dressing, body image, professional wear and consulting in this area that I said to her this is it!! You have to tweet about this, share tips and impart your knowledge to men and women. As soon as she started she couldn't stop and now LOVES Twitter. Her hashtag is #HowToWearIt.

Are you an industry leader in your field? Use Twitter to position yourself as such!

Happy tweeting! :)
