• Ukunika works to advance economic opportunity for young people, businesses, and
communities in order to address the demand side of job creation.
• Injecting an entrepreneurial culture into the earliest stages of the value-creation chain of
start up initiatives; and encourage the sustainable development of SMMEs
• Assisting entrepreneurs to explore the commercial potential of their ideas by providing
essential resources, education, advice and network of partnerships.
• Translating entrepreneurial innovations into business plans that are capable of attracting
investors and securing the funding necessary for entry into the marketplace.
The Context
Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) contribute around 40% of South Africa’s gross
domestic profit and employ more than half of the private sector work- force. It is estimated that
as much as 80% of new jobs in world economies are being created by SMMEs, making small
business a key player in the future growth of our economy.
Methodology of Workshop
Each participant will get be required to pitch their business idea to a panel of experts in business
management, financial management, marketing management and IT expertise. The pitch will
conclude in what they require in terms of support e.g. more research, funding, mentorship etc. in
order to grow the business to a higher level to secure maximum returns.
The panel of experts will interrogate the ideas, seeking clarity and highlight any missing
data needed to be added in the proposal in order to gain viability. The workshop audience/
participants will be allowed to pose questions seeking a better understanding and also
interrogating the pitch.
The panel will act as facilitators and evaluate and score the various pitches and select the 10 best
business ideas based on a set of criteria.
Contact Person: Vivian Stoffels.
Mobile 082-9741105
Phone: 021-9756207
Fax: 0866589653
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