by Jenay Floris
Firstly let me start by saying that social media marketing should not replace traditional marketing
if your traditional marketing works and is cost-effective for the marketing budget. Social media should
therefore be an add on to the current marketing strategy.
Since traditional marketing is costly for some start up companies this is not even an option.
Sometimes the only marketing solution for start-ups is social media marketing. Traditional media
like TV, radio and print media are not always interactive and is forced upon the viewer. There
is also a time delay in the audience response whereas with social media the audience responds
immediately and engagement takes place timeously. Social media also reaches a more targeted audience.
The consumer really has a chance to get involved in the brand in a few ways such as feedback,
designing new brand identities, purchasing, etc.
Tell us what changes, if any, have taken place in your organisation’s marketing strategy with
social media marketing and traditional marketing...