A new week, a new month, a new year always brings about the feeling or atmosphere of new beginnings or empowerment. It is not the beginning of a new year, but it certainly is the beginning of a new month. What does this mean to you? For me it is symbolic of a fresh start, new opportunities, open doors and more possibilities.
Can spring-cleaning be an option at the beginning of Autumn? Of course it can! Spring-cleaning is needed more often than we think and can take place in our homes, in our family, in our lives, at work, in our minds and behaviour. Clutter lends itself to confusion, procrastination and losing focus of our goals.
Let's use this new month to re-adjust. Let's go back to the drawing board and assess if we are still on the path that takes us closer to our goals or have we digressed or even parked on the wayside, not moving at all.
Be alert to opportunities. Opportunities may present itself at the oddest time, in the weirdest form. You have the power to pursue or to sit back and watch someone else make the most of these opportunities.
Have a powerful week!
Yours in business
Tamzin Martin